Tonight my partner in crime Carly and I decided we wanted to go see the new Romero remake
The Crazies, after spending the day doing makeup on a pretty crazy photoshoot ourselves (photos coming soon). And before I get into it, let me make a shameful admission; I haven't seen the original. I know, Romero, god of zombies, and I haven't seen it. Stop yelling at me! I plan on remedying that very soon with an indulgent Romero marathon. So, without knowing anything about the original I'll just talk about what I saw. In short, I was highly entertained. Heres why: the makeup effects were extremely satisfying; the plot, while at times was a bit predictable, kept my attention; it was fairly well acted for a horror film (which is almost all I watch anymore), the intervals between zombie/gore scenes were fairly short; there were zombies(ish) in it (which is almost all I need); and, last but certainly not least, Timothy Olyphant. Hot.

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