Tuesday, April 20, 2010


If you've been snooping around on this blog longer than five minutes (first of all, thank you) you may have noticed that I freely use the word 'faggot'. While I don't particularly feel the need to defend my choice of words, I do have a somewhat strong opinion on the subject. Basically, I'm 'it' so I can say 'it'. If you're not, a word of caution, tread carefully. While the word 'faggot' doesn't offend me (I actually prefer it over 'gay' and other ridiculous synonyms) it does offend some people. My friend Travis cringes when I use it in public. It's not some valiant attempt to reclaim it like the feminists and their 'cunts', or African Americans and the proverbial 'N-word' (I'm not that ambitious); I just don't put a lot of stock in word taboos. It all depends on the context for me. If something is said coming from a place of ill-will and hatred, almost any word can be offensive. But if I know it's not I don't get bent out of shape. There are far more worthy causes to get my feathers ruffled over. And frankly, someone who calls another person a 'faggot' in an attempt to harm or insult them probably is one, deep down in their wretched, conflicted, queer, little soul. Excuse me while I put away this soap box.

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