Sunday, February 28, 2010


Tonight my partner in crime Carly and I decided we wanted to go see the new Romero remake The Crazies, after spending the day doing makeup on a pretty crazy photoshoot ourselves (photos coming soon). And before I get into it, let me make a shameful admission; I haven't seen the original. I know, Romero, god of zombies, and I haven't seen it. Stop yelling at me! I plan on remedying that very soon with an indulgent Romero marathon. So, without knowing anything about the original I'll just talk about what I saw. In short, I was highly entertained. Heres why: the makeup effects were extremely satisfying; the plot, while at times was a bit predictable, kept my attention; it was fairly well acted for a horror film (which is almost all I watch anymore), the intervals between zombie/gore scenes were fairly short; there were zombies(ish) in it (which is almost all I need); and, last but certainly not least, Timothy Olyphant. Hot.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I had this tidbit presented to me the other day when I was (yet again) wasting my life away online. I thought it was nice, since a constant worry for a lot of artists is whether or not you're doing something someone else has already thought of. Moral of the story: Just Do It.


Bert Simons is a totally rad Dutch artist that makes these surreal paper portrait sculptures. He uses fancy hi-tech computer scan mapping of peoples heads and recreates their likeness in these shockingly realistic 3-d paper sculptures. Some are even full body. These vaguely sub-human simulacra are sort of haunting. If I witnessed one in person I would constantly be expecting one to turn its eyes toward me and start talking backwards.


So yesterday when I was skulking around on the interwebs I came across ilovefake Magazine. It describes itself as a collision of fashion, art, and culture. Tasty. And it's produced in Holland. Extra tasty. You know what that means? Hot European boys like the ones down below. And girls too (if you're into that sort of thing). With a general lack any real writing, save for a few titles and captions, it reads like a stranger's photo album. A stranger who knows lots of really sexy people and, who you want to be friends with.

Via Rakk and Ruin

Monday, February 22, 2010


I'm going to make an effort to post more often (for my own benefit and the benefit of my one devoted follower, holler at you girl). This video is a very good first entry in this new endeavor. My belief that everything Robyn touches turns to gold is reaffirmed.